Danes love their monarchs’ birthdays – but where did they go this year?
By Diego Leong and Benedicte Højsgaard Christiansen

At Copenhagen’s famous Amalienborg Royal Palace, the flags were raised, the guards were still patrolling, but there were hardly any people in what would annually be a crowded square.
Danes are part of a country that near unanimously adore and celebrate their monarch, and Thursday, April 16 was the 84th birthday of the Danish Queen Margrethe II.
Normally this is what the Queen’s birthday would have looked like in previous years, with throngs of citizens looking up at her balcony at Amalienborg.
This is her first birthday after she made international news announcing her abdication from her throne in January. Because she is no longer the ruling monarch, the queen instead celebrated her birthday at the Fredensborg royal palace 24 miles away from Copenhagen.
The royal house posted on Instagram, announcing the more private birthday celebration. Many users left well wishes for the queen.
The Amalienborg square celebrations will continue for the first time under her son and new Danish king, Fredrik X, on May 26 in 2024.
Watch the video from the square of Amalienborg: