Pusher Street is being torn up to deal with the drug and organised crime problem, but many say this will only make the problem worse.

(Caption: This image which was taken on the 19th of April, 2024, is of the Pusher Street revitalisation project in Christiania, Copenhagen which is being done in an effort to reduce the overall drug and gang activity in the area. [Henry Stoner/DMJX])
The tearing up of Pusher Street and the criminalisation of the hashish booths has done more harm than good. In an effort to reduce crime and gang related violence in the area, the street is being revitalised and the previous hashish stalls have been forcibly shut down. A legal seller of CBD in Christiania, who would not give their name, stated that these changes will not affect the violence that already occurs but in fact worsen the situation. Specifically, they believe that the increased levels of gang violence will be over locations to illegally sell drugs.
Joker, a media representative from Nyt Forum in Christiania said during an interview that “I don’t think the removal of Pusher Street will solve the [hard drug] problem.” In fact, he also mentioned that he doesn’t think this will get rid of organised crime in the area. “In the best case it will be moved to another spot,” said Joker. Pusher Street being torn away will not affect the culture of Christiania though as the hashish market was not what it revolved around anyway.
This story is for an audience in Malmö and could be published on https://www.sydsvenskan.se.